Sunday, April 3, 2016

Community Involvement Through Fiber Arts!

Photo by @brisstyle and @myauntyanna
Through new contacts and projects I have been working on so far this year, my interest in the importance of getting the community involved in the fiber arts has grown tremendously. When people get to work with their hands and see the magic of what you can do with yarn, there is a true excitement which will hopefully stay with them and encourage them to do more with fiber!

I am always on the lookout for new ways to engage the community, and Instagram is my favorite place to be inspired! You can find me there as @stitchstorycrochet or @ewoodstory. I follow lots of interesting people, if you want to be inspired by them as well! I was so excited to find this jumbo spool knitter on the accounts of @brisstyle and @myauntyanna of Australia. Isn't it absolutely fabulous! I want to make one and take it with me every time I go to the park. I just need to think of an amazing use for the large knitted tubes that would be created!

I could really see people getting interested and wanting to have a go! 

I would love to know if you have any community fiber projects or things like this going on in your part of the world, leave a comment below and tell me about it! :-)

Photo by @brisstyle and @myauntyanna

Photo by @brisstyle and @myauntyanna


  1. Oh wow! That is way cool. I remember seeing a big weaving setup with sticks that someone had in Australia at a park. I told Jamie we should do that at The Secret Garden. Of course, we always have ideas but following through and getting folks involved is another thing.

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